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主公很有事 3.0.1
◇◇開發者歪打正著做出了策略遊戲,不認真企劃顛覆三國歷史亂入又惡搞,美術半睡半醒畫出原創特色欠打Q版武將…從未所見的超KUSO手機遊戲,這款遊戲很有事!◇◇【遊戲簡介】由Unity3D引擎全新打造的《主公很有事》是一款三國RPG+SLG的手機遊戲,除了顛覆傳統三國劇情的發展外,還導入了許多特色玩法如武將羈絆系統、奧義技能混搭、將魂收集、闖關奪寶、擂台比武、過關斬將等,同時藉由新穎的3D技術的襯托,三國武將超華麗的奧義大絕施放,讓您邊享受遊戲的進行,還能滿足視覺感官上的大滿足。超豐富的內容讓你一直玩一直…玩不完,《主公很有事》絕對是喜愛三國題材玩家最好的選擇!【遊戲特色】★顛覆三國的歷史劇情:主軸劇情改編三國題材,無厘頭爆笑新劇情,挖掘曹操不為人知的陰謀,絕對捧腹大笑。★打造華麗3D視覺體驗:公認最順最流暢的Unity 3D打造新手遊,逗趣Q版武將超欠K,技能奧義大絕保證震撼。★三國名將全體上陣:很好很強大,專屬四種武將屬性、百種技能及裝備搭配,八名武將齊上陣打造最強隊伍。★輕鬆簡單好上手:有什麼難?五歲小屁孩到七十歲老爺爺都會玩,操作好上手,簡單快速享受遊戲樂趣。★高自由度新玩法:事不宜遲立即下載,自由搭配陣型,隨心所欲養成,武將羈絆搭配,要怎麼玩就怎麼玩。★豐富的遊戲內容:好多副本好多挑戰關卡,獨特趣味闖關奪寶,緊張刺激爭霸比武,絕對欲罷不能一直玩。★好康的活動獎勵:玩就送商城元寶,豐富活動獎勵天天都有,定期更新內容回饋超大手筆,絕對超乎想像。《主公很有事》粉絲團:《主公很有事》官方網站:◇◇developers lucky hit to make a strategy game, not seriouslyplanning to subvert the Three Kingdoms historical chaos intoanother spoof, half asleep draw original features art owe to playQ-generals ... never seen super KUSO mobile games, this game isvery something! ◇◇[Game Description]By Unity3D engine to build a new "My lord great thing" is a threeRPG + SLG mobile game, in addition to subvert the development ofthe traditional story of the Three Kingdoms, but also introduced anumber of characteristics of play as generals fetters systems,esoteric skill mix, the soul of the collection, checkpointsIndiana, ring contest, through the trials, etc., but by 3Dtechnology to bring innovative, three generals absolutely supergorgeous esoteric large cast, so you while enjoying the game, butalso to meet the large meet the visual senses. Ultra-rich contentto let you have been playing ... playing endless, "My lord greatthing" is definitely the best choice for the three themes favoriteplayers!  [Game Features]★ subversion three historical story:Spindle drama adaptation of three themes, nonsensical hilarious newstory, mining Cao unknown conspiracy, absolutely laugh.★ create gorgeous 3D visual experience:Recognized as the most Shun Unity 3D to create the most fluentnovice swim, funny, super-Q version of the generals owe K, esotericskills absolutely guarantee big shock.★ all three famous battle:Very powerful generals exclusive four kinds of properties, onehundred kinds of skills and equipment mix, eight generals intobattle to build the strongest team.★ Easy to use Simple is good:What is difficult? Year-old kid actor to seven-year-old grandfatherwould play, the operation is good to use, simple and fast to enjoythe game fun.★ high degree of freedom in new ways:Without further ado immediate download, free with formation,arbitrary develop, generals with fetters, to how to play on how toplay.★ rich game content:Many copies of a lot of challenge levels, unique taste checkpointsIndiana, exciting contest for hegemony, has been absolutely unableto stop playing.★ goodies Activity Award:Play send Mall ingot, rich rewards activity every day, regularupdates and feedback super generous, absolutely unimaginable."My lord great thing" fans group:"My lord great thing," the official website:
Three Kingdoms Partner 3.3.1
三國合伙人 - 繁體中文豪華版 Valley Wartown war game platform first mobile gamemasterpiece!world's first operation will be able to enjoy the simplepleasure of the three most strategic card game, abandon the pasttedious affairs and to develop models, with three famous Cheng Chibattlefield, this is your true Three games!!◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ famous reincarnation pioneered the art of war ghost lineupstrategizing ◇ ◆ ◇◇ ◆ ◇ Q version of the Three lovely break easily play fun table ◆ ◇◆ ◇drain, faded away, eternal base west of humanity, the three Shuro through air, scared scouring the shore, snow piled up athousand.HAWTHORNE, sometimes much hero. Song. SuIf you like the three themes, do not miss this one game, unlike theother three game modes, new ways of leading the world's first, easyto play with the essence of the three countries will be able toenjoy strategy games.Faithful to historical facts, three famous - Guan Yu, Zhang Fei,Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu ... etc. then shook themoment the hero, will be your best partner together to ride thebattlefield! History-related figures, will launch into battletogether combos, while giving each star a different professionalattributes, greatly increasing the depth of the fun strategyembattled!Three characters in the game, whether historical or contemporaryfamous beauties, such as: Diao Chan, Big Joe, Joe, Shangxiang ...,carefully drawn by professional illustrators, along withstrengthening the role of the level of increase, the shape of themore famous increasingly cool handsome, the world's original ghostsystem, the historic them will be transformed into a super gorgeousghost will definitely make you eye-catching!!In addition to the world's first ghost reincarnation system, aswell as the game Bot team battle BOSS, chopped 100 fighting games,PVP tournament ... so rich game content, simple operation, but theycan enjoy the game gives you a variety of rich depth of fun games,three new strategic card game, and daily activities from time totime reward is waiting for you to experience!【characteristics of play】1、ghosts will Tensei: three famous gorgeous reincarnation, ghostswill debut Pimi nothing.2、champion Max: History Hero gorgeous debut, resistance GhostRiders.3、the most praise cards: the first three-dimensional card battle, Qsoldiers absolutely gorgeous big dance move.4、rich gameplay: Play combos, combos unexpected battle dance.5、coolest picture: a stunning picture, stunning skills, dynamicvisual enjoyment.6、unlimited copies: Challenges unlimited copies of the story,indulging really three big killing field.7、simple to use: strategizing to make your fingertips, Palaces gridstrategy game.8、the best reward: a surprise send back non-stop, as long as theplay would send VIP!Official Web site: Group Website:
神隱幻姬 2.0.2
◇◇ 召喚三大國度神靈化身幻姬齊聚一堂,獨創的即時幻陣回合戰鬥進擊玩法,結合RPG角色養成與即時操作戰略,展開曲折離奇的冒險,絕對讓玩家大呼過癮!◇◇【ストーリー故事背景】「神隱幻姬」是由世間的意志凝聚出了『森羅萬象之書』,裡面記載著整個人世間的真理。自古以來,人們相信世間有著神靈鬼魅,終日禱告、敬仰與恐懼參半,然而這些神靈鬼魅的存在,是靠人們的祈願信仰與虔誠畏懼之心支撐著,成為了人世間的『真理』,但隨著朝代更迭、時間流逝,人們逐漸否定了神靈鬼魅們的存在,因此其力量也逐漸減弱中…這時身為凡人的你,不論從哪裡獲得這本書,只要打開第一頁,即能進入森羅萬象之中,窺視『真理』的面貌,當人們再次相信神靈鬼魅的存在,即能尋回被遺忘的『信仰』,漸漸地,秩序也將逐漸恢復平衡,最終世間也就能脫離崩毀的危機。【ゲーム遊戲介紹】▼召喚三大國度的神靈化身幻姬 架空劇情的幻想題材▼穿越時空來自蓬萊(台灣)、天竺(印度)、極東(日本)三大國仙境,超過百位的神靈全部化身『幻姬』與您一同作戰。▼獨具風格的美術畫風 原汁原味的日本聲優親配上陣▼每位幻姬都具有壞壞1頭身Q版及性感冶豔的兩種獨特美術畫風,加上日本知名聲優親自配音,讓你體驗原汁原味的精緻日系手遊大作!▼創新的組合RPG作為核心 前所未見的角色進化展示▼以「前線戰士」、「防衛輔助」、「遠程輸出」三大職業類型相生相剋任意組合,前所未見超華麗進階效果直覺大感動。▼獨創即時操幻陣系統 彈指間扭轉戰局▼戰鬥時前後排角色可隨時調換,幻姬技能也會隨之改變,搭配職業相剋,添加戰鬥時的即時刺激樂趣。▼收服靈珠 施放幻姬華麗大絕▼戰鬥時怪物身上會掉落靈珠,點擊靈珠加速累積SP技能,集滿就可以施放幻姬華麗大絕,瞬間改變戰場局面。▼完整社交系統 玩家協同出戰 組織公會 跨平台遊戲▼與三五好友共遊森羅萬象世界,跨平台iOS、安卓系統通通一起玩,好友協同出戰改變戰局,一起組織幻姬公會吧!◇官方網站:◇ 粉絲團:◇ 維姬百科:◇◇ summon three magickingdom of God incarnate Kyi gathered in one, the original instantmagic circle round battle gameplay attack, combining RPG role todevelop and operate real-time strategy adventure unfold bizarretwists and turns, never let players hooked! ◇◇[Su Suites ー an have the background story]"God Hidden Magic Kyi" from the world will gather out of the"Book of flowers will", which recorded the whole truth of the humanworld. Since ancient times, people believed that the world has aghostly spirits all day, prayer, worship and fear mixed, but thepresence of these ghosts of the gods, is the heart of people'sfaith by prayer and pious fear of supporting, became the earth's"truth", but with the the dynasties, the passage of time, peoplegradually ghosts who deny the existence of gods, so its strengthhas weakened the ...Then as you mortals, regardless of where to get this book, justturn on the first page, which flowers will be able to enter into,peep "truth" look, when people believe in ghosts gods again, thatcan be recovered Forgotten "belief", gradually, the order willgradually restore balance, and ultimately the world will also beable collapsed out of the crisis.[Ge one woods Game Description]▼ summon three magic kingdom of God incarnate Kyi overheadfantasy story theme ▼Through time and space from the Penglai (Taiwan), Tianzhu (India),Far East (Japan) three countries in Wonderland, more than onehundred of the incarnation of all gods "Magic Ji" and you fighttogether.▼ stylized art style authentic Japanese seiyuu battle withpro-▼Each Magic Kyi has a nasty and sexy body Q version Ye Yan twounique art style, coupled with well-known Japanese voice actorsdubbing himself, let you experience the exquisite authenticJapanese hand travel masterpiece!▼ innovation as the core of an unprecedented combination of RPGcharacter evolution show ▼To "frontline soldiers", "defensive secondary", "Remote Out" threeoccupational categories XiangShengXiangKe any combination ofunprecedented super gorgeous effect intuitive Advanced bigmove.▼ original instant magic array operating system fingertipsreverse the situation ▼When the battle front row ready to swap roles, magic Ji skills willchange, with the occupation of grams, add instant fun fightingstimulus.▼ rein Lingzhu cast magic Kyi absolutely gorgeous big ▼When fighting monsters will drop Lingzhu, click Lingzhu acceleratedaccumulation of SP skill set is full you can cast magic Kyiabsolutely gorgeous big, instantly change the battlefieldsituation.▼ complete social system of organization Association playercooperative play cross-platform game ▼And flowers will swim a few friends in the world, cross-platformiOS, Android system all play together, play friends collaborativechange the military situation, together with the organization MagicKyi guild now!◇ official website: http: //◇ fan group: https: //◇ Vicky Wikipedia: http: //
永恆守護者 1.14
戰谷Wartown 遊戲平台 神作級華麗3D賽璐璐風格,超世代RPG手遊大作!《永恆守護者》史詩般壯闊的故事背景,光明與黑暗的宿命對決,由好萊塢級3D動畫打造神作級手遊,首創分鏡式SOLO超華麗特效,超過300位英雄齊聚現身,與你共組最強聖戰天團,一場精彩且充滿刺激的冒險即將展開…【故事背景】伊米爾女神所在的貝拉大地,是以時間軸為中心,維繫著世界和五大精靈國度的平衡,但時間軸一直被女神伊米爾所驅逐的黑血一族覬覦,為了阻止黑血一族的野心,勇者在世界盡頭展開與黑暗勢力的宿命決戰,時間軸在爭奪的過程中突然失去控制,大地開始分崩離析,而時間軸也因此失落,勇者為了找回消失的時間軸,於是借助女神的力量與貝拉大地的英雄們締下盟約,一起來拯救末日世界…《永恆守護者》就在有如史詩般的劇情中展開一連串的冒險,玩家扮演的就是貝拉大地中的勇者,為拯救崩壞的世界而奮戰…【遊戲介紹】✤ 史詩般壯闊的故事背景 神作級RPG手遊 ✤光明與黑暗的宿命對決,編織出貝拉大地史詩般壯闊的故事背景,世界開始崩壞,誰才是永恆的守護者?✤ 好萊塢級3D動畫打造 首創分鏡式SOLO超華麗特效 ✤賽璐璐風格精緻完美繪製,搭配Unity3D引擎製作,超華麗流暢戰鬥特效,媲美好萊塢水準的動畫完整呈現;首創分鏡式SOLO特寫,全新超世代手遊問世,改寫手遊新標準!✤ 超過300位英雄陣容 豐富的角色養成系統 ✤超過300位的英雄於貝拉大地齊聚現身,每位英雄擁有獨特的奧義技能,透過豐富的養成系統不斷進化,等待玩家召喚共同守護世界的和平。✤ 多樣的英雄隊形組合 打造最強聖戰天團 ✤五種職業與五種屬性,搭配每位英雄獨特技能的多種陣型組合,打造貝拉大地最強的聖戰天團!✤ 精采豐富的遊戲內容 流暢華麗的刺激冒險 ✤隨著章節式地圖展開對抗黑暗勢力的精彩旅程,和勇者們共同討伐惡龍BOSS副本獲取稀有獎勵,或者與其他勇者來場華麗的PVP競技,以及參與公會一同守護貝拉大地的和平吧!誠摯邀請各位成為貝拉大地的永恆守護者,史上最刺激華麗的冒險即將展開,勇者們~來吧!!加入我們!!2/10 公會系統開放2/12 公會襲擊戰開放2/13 來自深淵的怪物隊友加入2/16 喵咪隊友加入✤ 官方網站:✤ 粉絲團:✤ 客服信箱 gamingplatform gorgeous valley Wartown God for level 3D celluloid style,ultra-generation RPG masterpiece hand tour!"Eternal Guardians" magnificent epic story background, light anddark fate of the duel, the Hollywood-level 3D animation to createthe hand of God as a class trip, the first sub-mirror SOLO supergorgeous special effects, more than 300 gathered hero appeared, andyou Total group strongest jihad-day mission, a wonderful andexciting adventure is about to start ...[Story] BackgroundImil where Bella earth goddess, is the timeline for the center,to maintain the balance of the world and the country's top fiveelves, but the timeline has been expelled Imil goddess covetedblack blood family, in order to stop the ambitions of black bloodfamily, Brave fate in the end of the world to start and battle theforces of darkness, the timeline in the process of competing for asudden loss of control, the earth began to fall apart, and thetimeline and therefore lost, brave in order to recover thedisappearance of the timeline, so the help of the goddess of powerand shellfish Pull earth heroes association under the Covenant, theend of the world together to save ..."Eternal Guardians" to launch a series of adventures in thestory like an epic,Players play Bella is brave the earth, to save the collapse of theworld and fighting ...[Game Description]✤ magnificent epic story of God as the background level RPG handtravel ✤Light and dark fate duel, weave Bella magnificent epic backgroundstory of the earth, the world began to collapse, who is the eternalguardian?✤ Hollywood 3D animation to create a first-class sub-mirror SOLOsuper gorgeous special effects ✤Celluloid style drawing exquisite perfection, with Unity 3D engineproduction, ultra-gorgeous smooth fighting effects, comparable tothe standard Hollywood movie complete presentation; the firstsub-mirror SOLO close-up, the new generation of ultra-hand traveladvent of new standards rewrite hand travel!✤ rich lineup of more than 300 hero role to develop systems✤More than 300 heroes gathered at Bella land appeared, each hero hasa unique esoteric skills, to develop systems through rich evolving,waiting for players to call co-guardian of world peace.✤ diverse portfolio build the strongest heroes formation jihadday mission ✤Five career with five properties, each with a variety of formationhero unique combination of skills to build the strongest jihadBella earth day mission!✤ exciting game content rich and smooth gorgeous excitingadventures ✤With chapters unfold against the forces of darkness map excitingjourney, and the brave crusade BOSS copy of the dragon get togetherrare reward, or with other brave to field gorgeous PVP athletics,as well as participation in the Society Guardian Bella earth peacewith it!Bella cordially invite you to become eternal guardian of theearth,The most exciting adventure in the history of the forthcominggorgeous, brave !! ~ Come join us !!Open 2/10 guild systemOpen Society 2/12 attacks battle2/13 monster from the abyss of his teammates to join2/16 meow microphone teammates to join✤ official website: http: //✤ fans group: https: //✤ Customer Service:
精靈之翼 2.6
【遊戲簡介】人類與精靈長久以來一直和平共存的世界,但是在某天,天空突然出現了一道裂縫,從裂縫中湧出了一股強大的黑暗力量,大部分的精靈們受到了影響而開始慢慢墮落,這些墮落的精靈們在這個世界裡四處破壞!於是人類為了應付這次的危機,成立了"萊傑爾學院",學院裡的學生們,被訓練成為駕馭精靈的專家,來對抗墮落的精靈們,而由"萊傑爾學院"所組成的優秀天團,就被稱呼為《精靈之翼》…天空的冒險就此展開,而玩家所扮演的就是"萊傑爾學院"其中的一名成員,為拯救世界及精靈而奮戰。【遊戲特色】★首款結合飛行射擊 x RPG養成 x 卡牌收集的全新手遊不只咻碰閃!!全新複合式的飛行射擊遊戲玩法,讓你體驗更多豐富的遊戲樂趣!!★ 釋放精靈之力爽快華麗攻擊搭載冰雷火三種精靈屬性卡牌,超過9,999種不同的技能組合,享受華麗的彈幕射擊。★ 精靈養成進化為超強伙伴!上百張的精靈卡牌,各自擁有獨特的華麗技能,收集養成進化成為最強的戰鬥伙伴吧!★ 各具特色的多位主角展現獨特的戰鬥能力萊傑爾學院充滿個性的主角們,獨特專屬的技能,多變的外觀造型,生動活潑的配音,和我們一起徜徉在天際飛行!★ 一指操作享受韓系射擊遊戲樂趣韓系美形的精美遊戲風格,一指簡單操作即可享受精彩刺激的飛行射擊樂趣!★ 與臉書好友團隊合作收服可愛BOSS與臉書好友相互競技合作,一起收服各種可愛的魔物,盡情享受打擊BOSS的樂趣吧!★ 官方網站:★ 粉絲團:★ 客服信箱★ 建議裝置需求:記憶體:1GB以上